AbstractsImportant dates
Abstract submission ranges from Janurary 20th to March 15th. Formal notificaton to authors of acceptance and presentation type will be sent before April 1st. Registration is opened from the January 20th to April 15th.
Abstract form
Abstracts must be submitted in an extended format (1-5 pages, figures and references admitted) in English language and specify the wished type of presentation (poster or talk). Abstracts will be published in a non-periodic scientific journal (STRATA, http://strata.mp.free.fr/). Download of the abstract template in .doc format: Abstract.
----------------------------------- Title [Times New Roman 16]
Forname Name1, Forname Name2 [Times New Roman 14] 1Address; e-mail[Times new Roman 10] 2Address; e-mail[Times new Roman 10]
Text..... [Times New Roman 11]
References [Times New Roman 10] Name X., Name X. & Name X. (Year). Title of the paper. Journal, Vol(Issue), pp-pp. Name X. & Name X. (Year). Title of the paper ; In Name X. & Name X. (Eds), Title of the book. Collection and Publisher, Town, pp. 11-11.
Illustrations: greyscale (color admitted for the pdf version), max 200*160mm (height*width, two columns) or max 200*80mm (one column). ----------------------------------- Presentation information
Oral presentations will be allocated 20 minutes including time for discussion (15+5). The conference room will be equipped with a computer and a videoprojector. Poster presentations are welcomed and encouraged (DIN A0 in portrait form).
The official language of the workshop will be English and no translation facilities will be available.